Board leadership through change

Date: 28 March 2025

Time: 10.00-11.00

Boards always have a special journey when they oversee a significant and major transformation, and at RDaSH, the mental health trust serving Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber, Katherine Lavery has completed her first term as chair through such a period of change.

Central to this change was a new strategy underpinned by ‘Our 28 promises’ which spell out the trust’s local social contract with their community, service users and staff.

The 28 promises are ambitious and this has not been an easy journey.

An experienced NHS chair at several very different NHS organisations, RDaSH presented its own opportunities and challenges for Katherine but the skill of the non-executive chair remains the same.

The learning points are clear and, in a period of national change, hugely applicable: board leadership through times of transformation.

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