Helen Buckingham

GGI Special Adviser—Policy & Leadership


Helen Buckingham is a well-known figure in the world of healthcare strategy and policy, most recently having served as the Nuffield Trust Director of Strategy for seven years. With a career spanning over three decades, she is recognised as an expert in healthcare leadership, policy analysis and strategic planning.

During her career, Helen has held a range of positions that have given her deep experience of healthcare strategy and policy development, and of ensuring that governance arrangements enable both effective decision-making and change and innovation. Before joining the Nuffield Trust she worked at Board level in the NHS for 15 years followed by five years in senior executive roles at Monitor and NHS Improvement.

At the Nuffield Trust, Helen played a pivotal role in shaping the organisation’s strategic direction and informing policy recommendations aimed at improving delivery and outcomes in the health and care system. She has particular expertise in the development and implementation of strategies leading to the clear delivery of outcomes. She also focuses on the development of effective partnerships within organisations and across systems, including public-private partnerships and partnerships between public bodies and the populations they serve.

Helen is actively involved in a range of advisory boards, committees and professional networks. She chairs National Voices, the leading coalition of health and social care charities in England, is a Trustee of the Royal Voluntary Service and a non-executive director of the Private Healthcare Information Network.

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