Jessica Lubin

GGI Special Adviser—Third Sector & Systems


Jessica has worked on the frontline and in senior leadership positions across the third sector, social care and in primary care and hospitals in the NHS.

She specialises in cross-sector collaboration with the community and civil society and has a particular interest in health equity and governance.

Jessica has multiple years of experience in creating healthy and positive collaborations and partnerships between statutory services and the voluntary and community sector, including in North East London ICS and Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Service Integrator.

As Director of Health Transformation at Hackney CVS, a local umbrella body, she supported voluntary and community sector (VCS) organisations to build partnerships with the local authority and NHS on reducing school exclusions, led multiple focused communities of practice and established an anti-racist commissioning workstream. As part of this work, she co-produced principles and a commissioning project with over 120 community members that has influenced North East London ICS, forms part of the Commissioning Academy training, and is used as a case study in a London-based anti-racist strategic framework for health inequalities.

She also led the VCS Neighbourhood programme, working with hundreds of residents, VCSs and statutory partners to create hyper-local solutions.

Jessica has many years of experience working to improve health and reduce health inequalities, understanding the challenges diverse marginalised communities have accessing health care, and co-producing solutions in a trauma-informed and culturally sensitive way.

Jessica is also working with Queertopia Consortium, a London-based black-led CIC working with LGBTQIA+ communities to access equitable health care and delivering trauma-informed inclusion training.

She is also part of the King's College Practice and Research Network Steering Group looking into cross-sector collaboration and system leadership.

In her spare time, Jessica plays football and is learning French.

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