Mike Weaver




Mike Weaver joined the Good Governance Institute (GGI) as a consultant in April 2021. Prior to joining the GGI he worked substantively within the National Health service (NHS) and more recently as an independent consultant where he specialised in providing consultancy and support to a number of NHS Acute, Community and Mental Health Trusts.

Mike has over 30 years’ experience working in the NHS and holds an MSc in Healthcare Risk Management. His experience spans corporate governance, patient safety, risk management, systems of internal control, board assurance, regulatory compliance, and committee effectiveness.

Since joining GGI, Mike has supported the delivery of a major governance programme in an NHS Trust that sought to strengthen operational management and board to ward oversight. More recently he has supported the development of corporate governance within several Integrated Care Systems including work to establish committees of the Integrated Care Board and Integrated Care Partnership.

Mike has worked as an actor and holds an Equity card. He has completed over 100 marathons and ultra-distance races including four 100-mile continuous running races. Mike has a keen interest in travel, travel writing, theatre, cookery and visiting museums.


MSc Healthcare Risk Management, University College London

Certificate in Education, The University of Greenwich

BSc (Hons) British Podiatric Medicine, The University of Westminster


Weaver, M 2008, 'Making the most of the Manchester Patient Safety Framework tool', Health Care Risk Report, June 2008

Weaver, M 2001, 'Introducing Clinical Supervision', British Journal of Podiatric Medicine, 4(4) 134-143

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