EHMA event: WHO framework and partnership working | 17 September 2021
21 July 2021
During this session we will be exploring the mindset of change, led by Jacque Mallender from Economics by Design who will talk through the WHO standards and principles and how these can be applied both in the UK and across Europe.
Jacque will be joined by Lena Samuels, Chair, South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust; Chair, Hampshire and IOW ICS, South East Regional People Board, Council of the Association of Ambulance Chief Executives; Independent Chair, Hampshire and Isle of Wight ICS. Lena will focus on the NHS approach to systems.
The NHS is in the process of flipping the script and working towards a completely new way of working - really bringing together partnerships across health and social care. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has also put out a framework about partnership working, principles and standards which align with the NHS approach.
The European Health Management Association is a non-profit membership organisation that focusses on enhancing the capacity and capability of health management to deliver high quality healthcare. Each year they run a three-day event to bring together health experts from across Europe.