GGI Breakfast Webinar - The New NHS: ICS Series | 2 March 2022 | Zoom Conference Call

19 January 2022

Last year the Good Governance Institute ran a series of events about future ICS and systems work, and developed a number of briefings. There has been a real appetite and requests for further breakfast meetings to be held on the subject matter. Therefore, we are working on a further series of events and topics that we will host over the coming months.

The third in this year’s series we will focus on ‘Eradicating Inequalities'. NHS organisations have long been tasked with this but exploring how ICSs would be different and the ICB role in doing this.

We will be joined by Danielle Oum, Chair at Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust and ICB chair designate at Coventry and Warwickshire ICS and Tom Cahill, National Learning Disability and Autism Director, NHS England and NHS Improvement. The session will be chaired by Dr Usman Khan, GGI Special Advisor.

The format of the meeting is input from our guest speakers on their own thoughts and experience, then it will open up to the attendees for a facilitated open discussion encouraging comments, questions and answers.

Dr Usman Khan, GGI Special Advisor

Usman joined GGI as a Special Advisor for Health Policy in April 2020, having most recently worked in Brussels as Executive Director of the European Health Management Association and subsequently the European Patients Forum. A health policy and management professional with in excess of 25 years’ executive-level experience within the public, private and not for profit sectors, Usman spent over a decade working in academia, before moving into health and social care consulting in 2000. As Managing Director of Matrix Insight until 2012, he led a consultancy team of thirty in delivering impact assessments and related research studies for the European Commission and other related government bodies.

Usman is a Senior Advisor to FIPRA International, a Brussels based European public affairs consultancy and has been Managing Director of Modus Europe Ltd since 2012, through which he has undertaken a range of health consultancy projects in Europe, the USA and China. Usman is the incoming Chair of the Motor Neurone Disease Association and a Visiting Professor in Health Management and Policy at KU Leuven. In the last decade Usman has focused on European health policy including taking leadership roles as Executive Director of the European Health Management Association and subsequently the European Patients Forum. He is a regular public
speaker and writer on health policy matters and author most recently of Health Management 2.0 (Emerald Publishing) Usman has held a number of high profile non-executive positions in health and social care and currently holds visiting academic positions at George Washington University and New York University (London).

Danielle Oum, Chair at Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust and ICB chair designate at Coventry and Warwickshire ICS.

Danielle has a strong leadership background in strategic development, stakeholder engagement and transformational change spanning the public, private and voluntary sectors. In addition to her role as Chair Designate for Coventry and Warwickshire ICB, she is currently the Chair of Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust and is Chair of Audit at Healthwatch England.

Previously Danielle has held the positions of Chair at Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust, Healthwatch Birmingham and Solihull, Dudley and Walsall Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust and Walsall Housing Group.

Danielle is committed to tackling inequalities and excited by the potential of ICSs to improve health services and promote healthy lives for the whole of the populations they serve.

Tom Cahill, National Learning Disability and Autism Director, NHS England and NHS Improvement

Tom joined HPFT in 2005 as Executive Director of Nursing and Practice Governance. He became Deputy Chief Executive in late 2007 and then Chief Executive in April 2009. He is the accounting officer for the Trust and carries full responsibility for the Trust's strategic direction, performance, planning, business management and development.

Tom began his career as a mental health nurse and held several senior posts before joining HPFT. At HPFT, he has overseen the development of new models of care, new facilities and the Trust’s culture. Under his leadership, HPFT was rated as ‘Outstanding’ by the Care Quality Commission in 2019.

Tom also led the Sustainability Transformation Plan (STP) for Hertfordshire and West Essex in 2016 and 2017. He is one of the Health Service Journal’s Top 50 NHS Chief Executives and received the prestigious HSJ Chief Executive of the Year Award in 2017.

In October 2021, Tom took up the position of National Learning Disability and Autism Director with NHS England. Tom works alongside National Mental Health Director Claire Murdoch to lead work on driving up standards of care across the health service and independent sector for people with a learning disability and/or autism. Tom started his new role on a part-time basis in October, stepping down as Chief Executive of HPFT at the end of November.

Point of contact: GGI events team

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