GGI Breakfast Webinar - The New NHS: ICS Series | Estate opportunities | 25 May 2022 | Zoom Conference Call

16 May 2022

Last year the Good Governance Institute ran a series of events about future ICS and systems work, and developed a number of briefings. There has been a real appetite and requests for further breakfast meetings to be held on the subject matter. Therefore, we are working on a further series of events and topics that we will host over the coming months.

The next webinar in this year’s series, ‘Estates opportunities for ICSs- the foundation for health and wellbeing in place'

We will be joined by Tony Coke - Director of Primary Care Development at Primary Health Properties, Dr Mark Gaffney - GP, Senior Partner and Chairman of the Victoria Medical Centre and Clinical Director of the Victoria PCN in Eastbourne and Nicola Theron - Director of Estates at North Central London ICS. The session will be chaired by Fenella McVey, Senior Consultant at Good Governance Institute.

The format of these meetings will be input from a couple of speakers on their own thoughts and experience, then it will open up to the attendees for a facilitated open discussion encouraging comments, questions and answers.


If you would like to attend the event, please RSVP to

Joined by:

Tony Coke, Director of Primary Health Properties

Tony is one of the foremost experts in primary, community and outpatient estate development in the UK.  

Currently the director of primary care development for Primary Health Properties - one of the largest health care real estate investment firms in the UK and market leading investor in primary healthcare premises - Tony has 19 years' experience in healthcare estate development.

A chartered surveyor by profession, Tony is a trusted authority on all aspects of primary, community and outpatient estate development from conception, through legal and leasing arrangements to practical completion, with a specialism in low carbon builds. 

Tony has led on the development of 30 new premises for dental and GP practices, NHS trusts and pharmacies across the UK, with a particular focus in the South East and London. This has included some innovative schemes to improve service efficiency and facilitate integration as well as net-zero carbon developments.

Dr Mark Gaffney, GP/Victoria PCN

Dr Gaffney qualified from Guy’s Hospital London. He is a GP and Senior Partner, Chairman of the Victoria Medical Centre and Clinical Director of the Victoria PCN in Eastbourne.

During his time as a GP he has had various concomitant roles including being a member of the South East Clinical Senate, an Executive GP on the PCT Professional Executive Committee and founder and managing director of an independent NHS provider organisation. He was a founder and then medical manager of the local out of hours service.

Other activities included being a member of the LMC, an advisor for the FHSA, a lecturer for the University and as a computer programmer wrote one of the first commercially available patient database and repeat prescribing programs for GP practices.

More recently he has overseen the building of the new Victoria Medical Centre (VMC) and the merger of four practices to form the VMC, a 30,000 patient practice as well as the creation of a vaccination centre and a separate digital branch surgery within the towns main shopping centre.

Nicola Theron, Director of Estates in North Central London CCG/ICB

Nicola Theron is the Director of Estates in North Central London CCG/ICB. This role brings senior estates capacity to accelerate the estates workstream and give further priority to the profile of estate within the emerging ICB, to deliver improved health and care outcomes and support the ICB achieve both financial balance and transformational change.

The focus of the role is to work collaboratively with estate leads in providers, CCG, PCNs, Councils, and other partners, to innovate, share best practice and maximise sharing of resources across organisations in North London, with a focus on estates delivery, efficiency, the health equity and net zero agendas.

She is a Chartered Surveyor by training, having worked extensively in the private and public sector, with the last 14 years spent working in the NHS. In her previous role, she was CEO of a public private partnership in the NHS and led on the delivery of 10 health centres totalling 500,000 sq. ft of integrated community hubs.

She is on the board of a national charity, Polka Theatre, who are delivering a major capital project within the arts sector.

Chaired by:

Fenella McVey, Senior Consultant

Fenella co-leads the Systems service line at GGI and over the past year has worked with multiple Integrated Care Systems (ICS), place-based partnerships (PBP) and their partners. 

She has over 20 years' experience of managing large consultancy projects, including multi-year projects for global conglomerates (e.g. GE, Philips, Samsung).

She has worked for several consultancies including the McKinsey spin-off, Eden McCallum, and Prophet (a thought leader on stakeholder strategies).

Relevant recent ICS work includes:​

  • ICS stakeholder management support, including stakeholder mapping and analysis, conducting stakeholder interviews and facilitating workshops around current state, future ambitions and capability building​
  • Drafting system development plans (SDPs) and Memorada of Understanding (MoUs) between partners​
  • Facilitating stakeholder workshops to inform and co-create:​
  • ICB and ICP membership and terms of reference (TOR), including exploring innovative ways to ensure cognitive diversity in ICB and ICP membership and across the system​
  • System organograms, high-level TOR, and RACI decision examples​
  • ICB assurance committees, System oversight framework and ICS relationship to NHSE, system assurance flows ​
  • System risk management, system risk appetite and system board assurance frameworks and TOR for system risk groups​
  • Analysing advantages and disadvantages of place options​
  • Designing a primary engagement plan for primary care and mapping primary care voice, influence and role across the system​
  • Exploring provider collaborative current state and future ambition, options for collaborating across the system and at place, and creating capability roadmaps​

Fenella has an MA from Oxford University in Philosophy and Modern languages. She is a Scrum Master. ​

Point of contact: GGI events team

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