GGI National NHS NED Development Programme: Peer to Peer Weekly Meeting with The Rt Hon. Patricia Hewitt | 9 September 2022

05 September 2022

As part of its mission to promote good governance, GGI will host these facilitated, weekly virtual meetings to give NHS non-executive directors an opportunity to share their concerns, challenges and ideas as we rethink the future of health and social care.

The goal is to collectively think about the role NEDs play as part of the controlling mind of their organisations, to discuss immediate safeguarding issues and to ensure we all learn from this experience to assure better outcomes for citizens in the future. If you would like to join this meeting, please email


Chair: Dr Usman Khan, Managing Director, Good Governance Institute

In conversation with The Rt Hon. Patricia Hewitt ‘Integrated Care Systems and Place... Will one size fit all?’

  • What are the early lessons from the ICS Place agenda?
  • How is the VCSE and local government responding to the notion of Place and ICS?
  • How important is coterminosity to making a success of Place?
  • NHS England and Place - Light touch vs step by step guidance?
  • How can providers best connect to the Place agenda?

About The Rt Hon. Patricia Hewitt

Rt Hon Patricia Hewitt has been independent chair of the NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board since July 2022 and was previously chair of the Norfolk & Waveney ICS/STP. From 2005 to 2007, Patricia was Secretary of State for Health in the Blair Government, introducing the smoke-free legislation, establishing the NHS Choices website ( and creating a ground-breaking public consultation - Our Health, Our Care, Our Say - that anticipated many of the themes of the Five Year Forward View.

Patricia has a long-standing interest in digital transformation of healthcare and until 2021 was a member of the advisory board of the digital healthcare firm, Medefer. As chair of the UK India Business Council from 2010 to 2018, she helped build partnerships between the two countries in healthcare and other sectors, and retains her interest in India as chair of the Oxford India Centre for Sustainable Development.

Australian by birth, Patricia came to Britain as a student, graduating from Newnham College, Cambridge. She lives in Norfolk; in her spare time, she is an enthusiastic gardener, active in her village community and loves walking and running (very slowly). She has a daughter in London and a son in Sydney.


This meeting is by invitation and is open to all NHS Non-Executives Directors, Chairs and Associate Non-Executive Directors of NHS Providers. Others may attend by special invitation.

For further details, comments, questions and suggestions please contact:

Point of contact: GGI events team

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