GGI National NHS NED Development Programme: Peer to Peer Weekly Meeting with Professor Dame Julie Moore | 25 February 2022
07 January 2022
As part of its mission to promote good governance, GGI will host these facilitated, weekly virtual meetings to give NHS non-executive directors an opportunity to share their concerns, challenges and ideas as we rethink the future of health and social care. The goal is to collectively think about the role NEDs play as part of the controlling mind of their organisations, to discuss immediate safeguarding issues and to ensure we all learn from this experience to assure better outcomes for citizens in the future. If you would like to join this meeting, please email
Host: Professor Andrew Corbett-Nolan, Chief Executive, Good Governance Institute
Chair: Dr Usman Khan, GGI Special Advisor, Good Governance Institute
In Conversation with: Professor Dame Julie Moore, Non-Executive Director, Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust
'Delivering a sustainable NHS ...... kicking the can down the road?'
- How do you reconcile short term with long term aims for health systems?
- How can health systems move towards a population based framing?
- How do you invest for health system sustainability?
- What role should digital play in health system sustainability?
- Where does the Green and Sustainability agendas align?
About Professor Dame Julie Moore
Julie spent her long career in the NHS and for the last 12 years of this was Chief Executive of University Hospital Birmingham (UHB). During this time she oversaw the building of the new Queen Elizabeth Hospital, the successful transfer of Selly Oak and the original Queen Elizabeth Hospitals and the merger with the former Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust to form the “new” UHB, a trust treating over 2m patients per year, with 4 hospitals, community services and over 20,000 staff.
She retired from full-time NHS work in 2018 and became Professor of Healthcare Systems at Warwick Manufacturing Group, Warwick University. She is also a non-executive director at Worcester Acute Hospitals, a member of the Organising Committee for the 2022 Commonwealth Games, a non-executive advisor to Our Health Partnership, a partnership of Primary Care practices, a member of the Novartis UK Industry Council, a non-executive director of Reset Health and a trustee of the Prince of Wales’s Charitable Fund.
Julie contributed to many national projects including leading the Education reforms as part of the Government’s Future Forum, was an independent member of the Office for the Strategic Coordination of Heath Research, a member of the Dalton Review into New Models of Hospital Provision and chaired the HSJ Commission on Hospital Care for Frail Older People. She is a founder member and past Chair of the Shelford Group, ten leading academic hospitals in England.
She has spoken at national and international conferences including being on same programme as President Clinton and undertaken local, national, and international interviews on TV, radio and in the press, including the Radio 4 Programmes “the Bottom Line” and “the Briefing Room”, BBC television “Newsnight” and “Panorama” and was a panel member in the Radio 3 Free Thinking Festival.
Julie was made a Dame Commander of the British Empire in 2012. In 2013, she was awarded an Honorary Chair at Warwick University, was included in the first BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour list of the 100 most powerful women in the UK and was included in the HSJ lists of the most influential clinical leaders, top CEOs and a national LGBT role model in health. She has Honorary Doctorates from the University of Birmingham, Birmingham City University, Oxford Brookes University and Aston University.
This meeting is by invitation and is open to all NHS Non-Executives Directors, Chairs and Associate Non-Executive Directors of NHS Providers. Others may attend by special invitation.
For further details, comments, questions and suggestions please contact: