GGI National NHS NED Development Programme: Peer to Peer Weekly Meeting with Professor Ian Shaw | 29 April 2022

25 April 2022

As part of its mission to promote good governance, GGI will host these facilitated, weekly virtual meetings to give NHS non-executive directors an opportunity to share their concerns, challenges and ideas as we rethink the future of health and social care. The goal is to collectively think about the role NEDs play as part of the controlling mind of their organisations, to discuss immediate safeguarding issues and to ensure we all learn from this experience to assure better outcomes for citizens in the future. If you would like to join this meeting, please email


Chair: Dr Usman Khan, Managing Director, Good Governance Institute

In Conversation with: Professor Ian Shaw, Non-Executive Director, Derby and Derbyshire CCG

Subject: 'Not throwing the baby out with the bathwater: Lessons in systems learning from CCGs to ICSs'

Introduction on Professor Ian Shaw and today's topic of discussion

  • What are the most important elements of value from current commissioning systems?
  • What has working with the current systems taught us about clinical, managerial, and lay perspectives in NHS Governance?
  • How effective is the NHS at taking learning forward and what can the NED and Board do to support this?
  • How should Boards be preparing for new system working with ICSs?

About Ian

Ian has been a member of the University of Nottingham since 1992 and is Professor of Health Policy. He was Head of School from 2017 until 2021.

Ian passionately believes that research and teaching `should make a difference' and have social impact. Ian's research and consultancy interests lie in health, health policy and services (particularly primary care), medical sociology, mental health, inter-agency collaboration and evaluation. He has recently undertaken research exploring diabetes in Sub-Saharan Africa funded by UKRI Global Challenges Research Fund.

He has published, and is publishing, widely in academic journals as well as through a number of books. Ian is also a founding and past Executive member of the European Evaluation Society and he was also the founder and elected chair of the European Sociological Association's Medical Sociology of Health and Illness Research Network (2000-2006). He has served on the executive of the Social Policy Association and is a member of the International Sociological Association and its medical sociology and mental health research networks.

Ian has also served continuously on NHS Trusts since 2002 in the role of Non-Executive Director. This includes service on the boards of NHS Nottingham Primary Care Trust (PCT), NHS Nottinghamshire PCT, Nottingham North and East Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), Erewash CCG, and currently with Derby and Derbyshire CCG and the Derbyshire ICS. Ian has also served as a Lay Governor to Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust; Lay Quality Assurance Assessor for NHS Education England East Midlands (The Deanery) and as a GP patient representative in a number of settings.

Ian has presented workshops and seminars on health research and on evaluation to The World Health Organization, to branches of the European Union, and various departments of the Norwegian and Her Majesty's government in the UK. He has a developing interest in Africa - especially Ghana and Uganda, where he has ongoing research and publications on the interface between traditional and Western health systems.


This meeting is by invitation and is open to all NHS Non-Executives Directors, Chairs and Associate Non-Executive Directors of NHS Providers. Others may attend by special invitation.

For further details, comments, questions and suggestions please contact:

Point of contact: GGI events team

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