NHS quality committees | 12 April 2024

15 March 2024

As part of its mission to promote good governance, GGI has been hosting facilitated virtual meetings to give NHS non-executive directors an opportunity to share their concerns, challenges and ideas as we rethink the future of health and social care.

The goal is to collectively think about the role NEDs play as part of the controlling mind of their organisations, to discuss immediate safeguarding issues, and to ensure we all learn from this experience to assure better outcomes for citizens in the future.

The next event in this series will take place on Friday 12 April 2024 at 10.00am via Zoom.

In the last of GGI’s series on the main NHS board committees, this session focuses on quality committees. Clinical governance and patient safety are central to the assurance any NHS board needs, and non-executives should make it their business to understand governing the core of what their organisations are there to do: treat patients.

Quality governance is a continually developing discipline. Lessons from recent investigations point to quality committees swamped with data but short on discernment, and an inability to answer the big questions such as ‘are we safer this year than last, and will we be safer still this time next year?’

The session will be led with input from Dr. Damian Riley, who chairs the quality committee at the largest NHS trust in the country. Dr. Riley practiced as a GP before becoming medical director at a hospital trust and then working with NHS England with trusts in special measures. He has seen quality governance from all perspectives and is ideally placed to start the discussion.

Please email events@good-governance.org.uk should you have any queries.


This meeting is by invitation only and is open to all NHS non-executive directors, chairs and associate non-executive directors of NHS providers. Others may attend by special invitation. For further details, comments, questions and suggestions please contact: events@good-governance.org.uk.

To register for this event, please click the link below:

We hope that you will join us for what will be an interesting and insightful discussion.

Should you have any questions, please contact events@good-governance.org.uk.

More about our contributors

Dr. Damian Riley

Damian is non-executive director and chair of the quality and performance scrutiny committee of Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (MFT). It is one of the largest trusts in the UK, and provides a wide range of secondary, community and specialist services.

Damian has 35 years’ experience as a clinician and senior manager. He has worked as a GP serving diverse communities, as regional medical director for NHS England (North), and as an executive medical director of two large acute hospital trusts in the north west. In these roles he led on significant quality improvement programmes.

During the Covid pandemic, Damian led several key multi-agency groups, including the Lancashire and South Cumbria Cancer Alliance, creating a supportive, open and honest environment in which voluntary, health and care sectors could all work together, beyond organisational boundaries, for the benefit of patients and public.

Damian is always seeking continuous learning and improvements in the NHS in the best interests of patients and public. His passion for delivering high quality patient services alongside his extensive clinical and management expertise are used to provide effective scrutiny and support to MFT’s board of directors.

Point of contact: GGI events team

Email: events@good-governance.org.uk
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