Mental Health Workforce Planning and Integrated Care Systems | 1 March 2022 | Zoom Conference Call
19 January 2022
The NHSE/I operational priorities and planning guidance for 2022 anticipates growth and improvement of mental health services. With this in mind, it states: “systems are asked to develop a mental health workforce plan to 2023/24 in collaboration with mental health providers, HEE and partners in the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) and education sector”.
Join the Good Governance Institute (GGI), Association of Mental Health Providers (The Association) and partners from both ICSs and VCSE mental health provider sector to consider the action required to develop and deliver joint mental health workforce plans.
The format of the event will be contributions from several speakers followed by an open discussion welcoming feedback, questions and comments.
The session will be chaired by: Dr Sri Kalidindi – Chair of Association of Mental Health Providers and Consultant Psychiatrist, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust.
The session will feature presentations from:
- Raymond Sheehy – CEO, Bridge Mental Health
- Gail Kay - Mental Health ICS Programme Director, North East and North Cumbria ICS
- Liam Gilfellon - Director of Relationships, Mental Health Concern
We will also have input and contributions from:
- Sarah Maguire - CEO, Choice Support
- Margaret Hanson - CEO, Imagine Independence
- Jane Hughes - CEO Mental Health Matters
- Rachel Peacock - CEO, Making Space
The event will also provide an opportunity to review many of the longstanding workforce issues confronting the mental health provider sector and those NHS and social care bodies they are commissioned by.