Perfect Ward – Quality governance maturity matrix and whitepaper launch | 23 September 2021
21 July 2021
To help board members navigate quality assurance, this event launches a key new maturity matrix and whitepaper focused on excellent quality assurance and improvement in health and social care.
During the event we will be joined by keynote speaker, Lisa Bayliss-Pratt who is acting pro-vice chancellor of Coventry University, NHS non-executive director and previously Chief Nurse for Health Education England. Lisa will share her thoughts about excellent quality assurance. Lisa will be joined by members of the team who developed the maturity matrix and whitepaper to discuss key findings. There will be the opportunity for a Q&A.
The NHS arguably has one overarching purpose, to provide comprehensive, high quality and universal health care services to the people of the UK. Boards are fundamental to achieving this purpose.
Within this, the value of good governance should not be underestimated. Indeed, we know all too well from high-profile incidents, that when governance fails it can quickly lead to patient safety issues.
This is why it is so important that those organisations that provide healthcare have robust quality assurance and improvement mechanisms. These, when implemented effectively, inform and support frontline staff to deliver high-quality and sustainable care, and managers to make more intelligent and effective decisions
Perfect Ward, work with both public and private organisations to apply the best digital technology to continuously improve quality. It has created a mobile-first solution to enable all health and care professionals to own quality improvement by conducting quicker and more efficient quality audits, via easy-to-use technology.
The whitepaper and event will be answering questions like:
- What do boards need to know about quality assurance?
- How do the constant changes to the healthcare environment impact quality assurance?
- What makes an effective quality assurance programme?
- How can best practice be shared effectively to improve quality across providers?