Ceremony | Rising Star Nursing Award 2022

01 August 2022

About the award

Julie Bolus, a highly experienced and well-respected nurse, NHS executive director and NHS non-executive director, passed away following a short illness in April 2021. Julie had also been a Good Governance Institute (GGI) senior associate for many years, and we miss her.

To celebrate and sustain Julie’s energy and passion for nursing, GGI launched the Rising Star Nursing Award in 2021. We are proud to launch a 2022 edition.

The award will be presented to a UK nurse who is seen to be a rising star: showing the same passion and care for patients with a focus on the best outcomes for citizens that Julie did. The person who wins the award could be at any stage of their nursing career.

Nominations are now closed

Nomination opened on Monday 1 August 2022, and closed on Thursday 20 October 2022. Nomination will be shortlisted and judged by an expert panel.

The award ceremony

Dame Julie Moore will chair the event and introduce our keynote speaker, Caroline Alexander CBE (Group Chief Nursing Officer, Barts Health NHS Trust) before Dame Ruth May (Chief Nursing Officer, NHS England) will present the prizes. Prizes include cash for the winner and runners-up, and our Rising Star Nursing award winner will have the opportunity to be mentored by CNO.

Please direct any questions to events@good-governance.org.uk.

Point of contact: GGI events team

Email: events@good-governance.org.uk
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