Reviewing ICBs

15 June 2023

ICBs have responsibility to manage the improvement of the health and wellbeing of a population over time, creating a system that looks after people from cradle to grave. The main aim is to keep people out of hospital and to work with multiple agencies to manage people’s needs as they arise.

This shift to system working represents a significant change for most ICB members. GGI has found that most people in the public and voluntary sectors feel comfortable with the idea of working with other sectors, but then struggle to do so effectively because of the significant differences in culture, priorities and expectations between them.

Building effective governance systems that embrace multiple organisations and finding ways to work effectively with others requires a fresh approach that nurtures collaborative behaviours and taps into an entirely new set of system leadership skills.

In March this year, NHS England postponed the annual review cycle of ICBs to the second quarter of 2023/24, to allow time to absorb and reflect on the recent Hewitt Review.

Are you ready to be reviewed?

GGI offers a range of tools to help systems assess their progress towards effective system working (including boards assurance prompts and maturity matrices to self-assess progress) and our expert consultants are ready to share the insights the have gained through working with nearly half of the integrated care systems around the country.

Self-assessment is the best way to prepare for NHSE scrutiny and there’s a strong case to use external facilitators such as GGI for these self-assessments. We will help you use the opportunity to ask yourself searching questions about the effectiveness of your systems and processes.

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Meet the author: Aidan Rave

Principal Consultant

Email: Find out more

Prepared by GGI Development and Research LLP for the Good Governance Institute.

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