18 November - Mental Health Network - governance during the COVID-19 pandemic

19 November 2021

This week’s session was joined by representatives from the International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership (IIMHL), who led a discussion about their work opening a dialogue and learning exchange between leaders across the mental health sector.

Overheard during the webinar:

“I have learnt a huge amount from working with colleagues in different countries. Even with health systems which look quite similar to our own such as New Zealand or Canada, there is still a huge amount to learn as their experience and approach is different and can provoke a huge amount of learning. In the past, there were secondment style places to try and encourage sharing and learning and it would be good to see these invested in.”

“Covid has shrunk geography through technology familiarity, facilitated the exchange of experience and ideas – so international cooperation is timely indeed. We have enjoyed and benefitted from the experience of our informal and confidential sessions online.

“The ICS reforms give an opportunity for mental health trusts to be seen as community assets which collaborate with the third sector and be involved in developing public mental health strategies. I feel strongly we should be reiterating the case for this and not just waiting for demand to arise.”

“The model we would like to be able to operate as a trust would be to be a co-operative. We have had non-execs who are involved in the co-operative movement, and the thinking is matched to the ambition, as the key question is, for whom are we being resourced to do what? There may be opportunities in the future to reimagine models and partnerships within ICSs, and having shared voices coming together will enable this.”

“ICSs can be a really radical way to approach this, but it will take thinking and bravery.”

These meetings are by invitation only. For further details, visit our events page.

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions about these webinars, please contact: events@good-governance.org.uk

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