GGI Confidence Gauge: a leadership pulse check

17 January 2025

In today’s fast-changing landscape, confidence is a crucial yet often intangible factor shaping the decisions of leaders across public-purpose organisations. Are you feeling optimistic about the future? Or do uncertainty and external pressures weigh heavily on your leadership outlook?

The GGI Confidence Gauge is a new survey designed to measure confidence levels among leaders in public-purpose organisations across the UK. By capturing shifts and trends over time, it will help identify the key factors influencing confidence—whether financial pressures, regulatory changes, workforce challenges, or broader societal shifts.

We know that leaders are navigating complex environments, balancing strategic ambitions with day-to-day operational challenges. By participating in the survey, you’ll contribute to a valuable cross-sector perspective, helping to establish benchmarks that can inform decision-making and governance. The results will provide insights into how confidence levels are evolving, highlighting common concerns and opportunities across different sectors.

Your voice matters, and your input will help shape discussions on resilience, risk, and leadership in uncertain times.

As we repeat the survey over time, it will become a powerful tool for tracking confidence and understanding the factors driving change.

Take part today and help shape a stronger, more informed future for public-purpose organisations.

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