


GGI Newsletter - 7 May 2020

Welcome to GGI’s latest weekly summary of briefings, knowledge-sharing and commentary. This week GGI began looking at the recovery phase of COVID-19. It is our position that the three pillars of a safe, successful recovery are testing, Health and Safety, and shielding vulnerable groups from the disease.

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GGI Newsletter - 1 May 2020

Welcome to GGI’s weekly summary of briefings, knowledge-sharing and commentary. Today we hosted a virtual meeting for NHS non-executive directors and chairs on the safety of black and ethnic minority staff during the coronavirus crisis.

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GGI Newsletter - 24 April 2020

Welcome to GGI’s weekly summary of briefings, knowledge-sharing and commentary. This week, we welcome back Darren Grayson from a secondment to the NHS, and we celebrate the addition of Dr Usman Khan to the GGI team. Topics covered in our COVID-19 briefings included what quality, ethics and people committees should be considering during and after the pandemic.

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GGI Newsletter - 17 April 2020

Welcome to GGI’s weekly summary of briefings, knowledge-sharing and commentary. This week, our COVID-19 briefings covered the importance of flexible leadership, the duty of boards to keep an eye on the longer term while the situation develops, stewardship, and the key role of good governance to secure the future of organisations, beyond the immediate treatment of COVID-19 patients.

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GGI Newsletter - 10 April 2020

Welcome to GGI’s weekly summary of briefings, knowledge-sharing and commentary. This week our COVID-19 updates offered advice on situational governance in times of crisis, we provided food for thought about stakeholder engagement and business continuity and emergency planning, and we invited a cybersecurity specialist to offer advice to help protect the NHS from online crime at this crucial time.

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GGI Newsletter - 3 April 2020

Welcome to the Good Governance Institute newsletter, a new weekly digest of announcements, knowledge-sharing and other information from GGI. Daily Covid-19 updates. We also share some great news from the Black Country and there’s information about an upcoming virtual event for non-executive directors too.

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GGI Newsletter - 27 March 2020

At the end of an extraordinary first week of lockdown in the UK, we join the nation in thanking front-line health workers for their service. The work of NHS boards has never been more important and our efforts to support them continue. This week we began a series of daily bulletins offering practical advice drawn from the deep experience gained by the GGI team over many years – and informed by the conversations we are having with NHS leaders throughout the COVID-19 crisis.

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