


Time to step up – 21 June 2021

The integrated care systems design framework, published last week, is the latest formal step along the path towards integrated care. The framework is a detailed document that needs to be fully digested and properly reflected on. But whatever detail it contains, we already know that it won’t contain all the answers.

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Catching up - 7 June 2021

As the grip of lockdown gradually relaxes, one of the great joys we’re all experiencing is catching up with the friends and family members we haven’t been allowed to embrace for months. This simplest of pleasures has been greatly missed and the universal relief at its return is palpable.

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Citizen engagement - 2 June 2021

Today we launch our new website! This is an important milestone in GGI’s development as a knowledge institute engaging organisations with good governance as it evolves. The vibrant new website reflects the organisation we have grown into.

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The tools of governance - 24 May 2021

Good governance isn’t necessarily more governance. This month we’ve gone back to first principles to focus on the basics and in this week’s illuminations we look at some of the building blocks of good governance.

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Mental health awareness at work – 17 May 2021

We’ve all had to make a lot of adjustments throughout the pandemic. Today, as restrictions are further relaxed, a whole new raft of uncertainty begins. This understandably causes a lot of stress.

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Sustaining life on Earth – 26 April 2021

Thursday 22 April was Earth Day, a global initiative to raise awareness about the environment and inspire people to save and protect it. We took the opportunity to look at the UN’s 17 sustainable development goals through a governance lens and ask what it will take to achieve them.

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