Prepared by GGI Development and Research LLP for the Good Governance Institute.
4 mins
How do we engage citizens in improving our public sector?
The National Commission on the future of governance in the public sector is calling for a mindset shift in citizen engagement – but how do we make that happen?
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4 mins
Assurance, reassurance and performance
We revisit some of the themes touched on in last year’s GGI COVID-100 bulletin about triangulated assurance, asking what boards should be thinking about as the country recovers from the pandemic.
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3 mins
Cashing in on reform – finance committees and their remit
NHS trusts are not required to set up finance committees but it’s a brave chair who does not seek the reassurance of experts that their finances are in good shape.
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4 mins
GGI jargon buster: board assurance framework
The board assurance framework (BAF) is, in GGI’s view, the original invest-to-save scheme for boards. Today we go back to basics to explain some key terms.
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The basics of good governance
Good governance boils down to a few basic principles, which are worth revisiting regularly – particularly at times of great challenge or change. Good governance adds value. It is lean, transparent and ethical, focused on tackling operational challenges in ways that complement the big picture vision. It always seeks the best outcomes for stakeholders and is never content with merely staying out of trouble.
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Good governance and the Sustainable Development Goals
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