Developing and leading ICSs - GGI and Coventry University

28 January 2022

This short briefing paper summarises the key discussion points that arose from a panel discussion hosted by GGI and Coventry University on 17 November 2021.

The event focused on the leadership and workforce challenges associated with the development of Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) with three seminal speakers framing the conversation for a live audience.

Professor Andrew Corbett-Nolan, Chief Executive of GGI, set the scene, taking attendees through the progress to date with regards to the establishment of ICSs around the country before outlining what he perceived as the key outstanding challenges before the delayed July 2022 ‘go-live’ date.

Following this, Sir Ciaran Devane, Chair of the Irish Health Service Executive and the Director of the Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations at Coventry University, highlighted some of the many lessons that can be learned from the Irish experience of integrating health and social care at scale.

Finally, Professor Jenna Ward, Academic Dean for the Faculty of Business and Law at Coventry University, discussed the topic of emotional labour as a leadership skill and the importance of recognising it as such in the context of organisational effectiveness. The session was then opened up to the audience. Littered throughout this paper are some of their comments.

We hope that this paper will prove a useful retelling for those working in and leading ICSs.

Meet the author: Andrew Corbett-Nolan

Chief Executive

Email: Find out more
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