Clinical audit maturity matrix
27 January 2015
The Clinical Audit Maturity Matrix illustrates how to progress from your organisation’s current progress level in 10 key aspects of clinical audit to where you aim to be in 12 months’ time.

It accompanies the updated Clinical Audit Guide which places clinical audit within the broader context of quality improvement, and provides guidance to those commissioning, delivering, and scrutinising clinical audit as part of the wider quality improvement strategy.
The guide includes 10 simple rules for NHS boards and top tips on how these can be implemented. Highlighting the importance of linking actions between the board, divisions and departments, the guide describes how improvement can be implemented for each of these themes. The Maturity Matrix illustrates how an organisation can progress in each of these areas.
The Clinical Audit Guide is accompanied by the new Good Governance Handbook, also jointly published by GGI and HQIP, which aims to help existing and aspirational Clinical, Nurse and Medical Directors as well as those who support and challenge them to understand and apply good governance in the rapidly changing environment of the NHS in England.
The Author

Dr John Bullivant FRCP Edin
Chair, GGI Advisory Group