Quality assurance maturity matrix for boards

23 September 2021

This maturity matrix is a resource designed to support organisations to self-assess whether they are appropriately applying the key principles of good governance practice in relation to quality assurance.

It describes the key elements of quality assurance along the y-axis, and graduations of ‘maturity’ along the x-axis. For each of the key elements, we have identified indicative statements so that organisations can self-assess their level of ‘maturity'.

The rate of progress is incremental and the organisation cannot progress to the next level of maturity unless all criteria from the previous box have been fulfilled and, importantly, can be evidenced.

The matrix should be used to illustrate the current performance and to inform and agree on future developmental expectations. For example, an organisation may identify that it is currently at ‘level 1’ in regard to ‘board reports and debate’, and aspires to reach ‘level 2’ within the next year. The tool can then be used to inform and track improvement over the defined development period.

It is designed to foster discussion and constructive challenge at board level, before a consensus on the current self-assessment and future aspirations can be reached. Importantly, an organisation may not necessarily be at the same stage for each of the key elements identified.


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