Capital City College Group governance review

14 February 2025

Capital City College Group (CCCG) is one of the largest further education providers in England, enrolling over 30,000 students in central and north London. CCCG provides academic, professional and vocational courses in a range of recognised specialisms.

GGI was appointed in December 2023 to undertake a governance effectiveness review structured around the Association of Colleges (AoC) Code of Good Governance, with particular focus on:

  • board roles, decision-making and culture
  • the board’s role in strategy
  • governor, chair and senior leadership team dynamics
  • engagement with the wider organisation

The review was conducted at a time of substantive leadership change at CCCG to both the executive and the board.

Our review involved:

  • a survey of board members
  • 1:1 interviews with the board members, executives and other key individuals
  • review and analysis of key governance documentation
  • observation of board and committee meetings
  • a staff focus group and a short survey of students
  • benchmarking across sectors to provide wider learning

Following analysis, our findings were tested with the chair and director of governance, and were then presented to the governors at a board meeting. Our report included a range of recommendations for improvement, grouped into six key areas for attention, which were welcomed by the board.

Reference: Graham Drummond, Director of Governance

Meet the author: Daniel Taylor

Senior Consultant

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