Whether through the agency of regulators or directly through councils and their partners (Fire, Police, Local Enterprise Partnerships) the governance of governmental organisations is key to creating vibrant local communities.

‘Place’ is an emerging concept and GGI is at the forefront of developing thinking around the contribution of good governance to the local determination of sustainable public services.

We are taking forward governance thinking in the new world of systems, collaboration and cooperation with practical models and examples of what works in neighbourhoods and localities.

We understand too the world of regulation, and the special governance issues that play out in the governance of the organisations that licence, accredit and recognise services that serve citizens.

Government locally is run by democratically elected councillors who form a full council, the controlling mind of local government organisations. GGI has worked with government at all levels, from large national agencies to local institutions such as fire and rescue services.

We support them as they set the strategic direction and take decisions which are implemented by staff who deliver services on a daily basis.

I'm delighted that we chose GGI to carry out a review of our corporate governance.  Professional, responsive and flexible at all times, it was their expertise in this area that really stood out, bringing fresh insights and powerful recommendations.  Implementation of the review promises to take us a big step closer to the 'well-led' organisation we aspire to be.

Dr Neil Goulbourne

Director of Integration, Planning and Performance

Your feedback

"The Good Governance Institute has been extremely helpful in assisting Together in Barnet (a charity that aims to provide a night shelter for homeless people across the London borough) develop a framework around governance initially producing a clear and concise report containing the building blocks for constructing a set of relevant policies. Moreover, they have continued to provide high quality intelligence ensuring our GDPR protocols are fit f...

Not attributed

Your feedback

Dudley CCG has embarked upon a major programme of system and service transformation with the procurement of a ground-breaking Multi-specialty Community Provider. GGI’s insights and support have been incredibly valuable in ensuring that the governance of the MCP procurement is of the highest possible standard. GGI has also provided discerning and innovative support to the bidding partners as they move toward establishing a new organisation to beco...

Paul Maubach

Accountable Officer

Your feedback

LGA briefing: health and social care white paper

Illuminations bulletin

Population health: paying the bill for austerity

Illuminations bulletin

Connecting place with purpose

Illuminations bulletin

Professore Andrew Corbett-Nolan

Chief Executive

About Andrew

Fenella McVey

Senior consultant

Mark Butler

Executive Director

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Our services

From governance reviews to board development and integrated systems working, we can help you improve your governance

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